

First syrup of the 2022 season!!

by Don 3/18/2022 6:23:00 PM

Today was our first boil. Our sap has 2% sugar content so it takes 43 gallons of sap to make a gallon of finished syrup.


by Don 3/10/2022 6:01:00 PM

This is the forecast for the upcoming week. Starting Sunday we will see warm days above freezing with nighttime dropping below freezing. This will be ideal for the start of our season!👍🤞

Monitoring System Operational

by Don 3/4/2022 9:48:00 AM


Our new monitoring system ,made by CDL, lists individual vacuum pressures in our 13 mainlines and releaser ( second picture). Those lines shown in green have excellent vacuum. Turning amber or red denotes something is preventing adequate vacuum ( leaks, frozen line, etc).

We then can direct our attention to these lines, saving enormous time and maximizing sap flow.

This weekends weather looks favorable to the beginning of our season.