The first week of March has historically been the period of tapping and preparation. However, we had some warm days in late January/mid-February and decided to tromp through the woods, putting in the 1200 taps when winter conditions were favorable. We're glad we did! Proving the adage that it's " better to be lucky than good". we were prepared for the early first run of the season on March 2nd. We obtained over 1 gallon of sap/tap for 4 consecutive days! This is greater than 25% of the season's predicted yield! At the end of the weekend, we had 108 gallons of finished syrup. We hope the good flow continues during this week, and in weeks to come.
Our yield thus far has been a delicious amber rich syrup with a rich mouth feel, with lingering maple flavor. We believe it is even richer and more complex than our Minnesota state champion syrup from 2019! Research in the maple industry has compared the flavor of maple syrup in relation to the sugar concentration (Brix). While 66.0˚ Brix is the lower limit of legal density syrup, we find the flavor and mouth feel much better at 67˚ Brix. We aim for this density and have been quite pleased with the results.
The coming week forecast predicts highs in the 40's and lows in the 20's - ideal for a banner week!
Stay tuned!
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