This past week's snowstorm blanketed the sugarbush with a little insurance that the season is going to continue for a while. Providing us with two benefits, moisture and a slowing spring warm up, the snow brought smiles to our faces. Yes, I think that maple syrup producers are probably the only people who appreciated a late April snow storm. The sap flow continues to be pretty good. We haven't had any really big runs, but we have been able to collect some sap everyday. Our total production is up to 260 gallons, or 0.26 gallons per tap. This is at the level that we can consider it a successful season, but still far short of our record in 2011 of 0.56 gallons per tap. For comparison's sake, last year we made 0.06 gallons per tap--terrible! Most of the syrup this year has been light amber, due mostly to the cold temperatures.
We will be boiling today and processing over 2000 gallons of sap.