We started the maple season with a rather long waiting period, and we now enter another time of waiting. Our last sap flow was 4 days ago and all predictions from meteorologists suggest it could be another full week before we have a warming period sufficient to have another "run" of maple sap.
We have been making amber rich syrup with has a very rich maple flavor, with a long finish. So far, with our 1000 taps, we have made 184 gallons of syrup. We anticipate making a LOT more!
A crew visited us from Ron Schara Productions, Minnesota Bound, and did a feature story on Somerskogen Sugarbush. It was an enjoyable day with a sunny 40 degrees, making a picturesque backdrop to demonstrate all the technical features of our sugarbush. The date of the airing has not been finalized, so check back and we will let you know.
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