

Lots of snow and no flow

by Mary 4/17/2018 8:56:00 AM

Receiving a record 18" of heavy snow, high winds and temps below freezing this past weekend, sap flow has once again come to a halt. On a positive note, we were able to spend the time fixing a leak in our flue pan. We should be ready to process sap again without anymore leakage onto the sugarhouse floor. 

We've only reached 50 degrees once this spring, so we're optimistic we still have several days of solid sap flow and more syrup. It's been a unique year and definitely the latest we've ever been making maple syrup in our 25 years. Here is the forecast for the rest of April - we're all ready for warm temperatures and no more snow!






A long Winter and late Spring!

by Mary 4/10/2018 6:16:00 AM

We've had cold, snow and clouds for the better part of a week, and it seems like winter won't let go.  The coldest April since 1936, many of the lakes still have 2+ feet of ice.  The next four days look good day for sap flow, with temps expected in the lower 40's.  The weekend will return to below or near freezing, but we're on a positive trend towards warmer temps and sap flow. At this rate, we may still be syruping late April!

Here is the forecast for the next week:

Unusually Cold April Weather = No Sap Flow

by Mary 4/5/2018 7:40:00 AM

It seems quite strange to have February-like weather in April. Our last sap flow was 6 days ago and the forecast shows little sign of warming for another week. All we can do is sit and wait, and wonder if we'll be syruping in late April. Ever optimistic, the sap will eventually flow.

Here is the latest weekly forecast: